Tips For Creative Parents: Balancing Kids and Art

Hello, fellow creative parents! I’m KT Livingston, a professional illustrator, homeschooler and mother to two small children. I want to share some insights and tips on balancing the beautiful chaos of parenting with the fulfilling world of art, while having kids around pretty much all the time. Don’t worry, it can be done! Being both a mom and an artist is incredibly rewarding, but it can also be challenging to juggle these roles while homeschooling. Here are some strategies that have helped me manage my time and responsibilities effectively, along with personal experiences and practical tips to inspire you.

1. Prioritize and Plan

**Organizing Priorities:**

One of the first steps to balancing motherhood and art is to set clear priorities. Understand what’s most important to you and allocate your time accordingly. For me, my family always comes first, but my art is a close second. Knowing this helps me make decisions about how to spend my time.

**Planning Ahead:**

Planning is essential. I use a planner to map out my week in all the facets of my life, blocking out time for family activities, homeschool lessons, work deadlines, and creative projects. This helps me stay organized and ensures that nothing important gets overlooked.

**Personal Tip:**

- I keep a daily to-do list with manageable tasks in a prominent and visible place. Breaking down larger projects into smaller steps makes them less overwhelming and easier to fit into my schedule.

2. Create a Flexible Routine

**Embrace Flexibility:**

Parenthood is unpredictable, so flexibility is key. While a plan is helpful, it’s important to allow for changes. Some days may go as scheduled, while others may require you to adapt quickly. A lot of the time part or all of the plan gets chucked!

**Establishing a Routine:**

Try to establish a flexible routine that includes dedicated creative time. Whether it’s early mornings, nap times, or evenings, find pockets of time when you can focus on your art without interruptions. I tend to do a lot of work after their bedtime.

**Personal Tip:**

- Take it outside! If things aren’t going the way you had planned, toss the to-do list and go outside. You might get some inspiration and everyone will definitely feel better afterwards!

3. Involve Your Kids

**Incorporate Art into Family Time:**

One way to balance both roles is to involve your kids in your creative process. Set up a little art station for them where they can draw or paint alongside you. This not only keeps them entertained but also allows you to bond over shared creativity.

**Teaching Moments:**

Use your art projects as teaching moments. Explain what you’re working on and encourage your kids to ask questions. Casually introduce new media and techniques. This fosters their curiosity and appreciation for art.

**Personal Tip:**

- My kids love “art time” where we all sit together and create. It’s a wonderful way to spend quality time together while still working on my projects. We keep a jar with silly and fun prompts written on bits of paper to make it a game. I even like to have my kids tell me what to draw sometimes, especially when I am stuck for ideas.

4. Outsource When Possible

**Get Help:**

Nana to the rescue! Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Whether it’s hiring a babysitter for a few hours or getting a family member to watch the kids, outsourcing can give you some much-needed time to focus on your work. Trading days with another parent of one of your kids’ friends is great too and you’re helping another parent out as well.

**Share Responsibilities:**

If you have a partner, communicate and share responsibilities. Discuss your work schedule and find ways to support each other’s needs.

**Personal Tip:**

- My husband and I have a system where he takes over parenting duties on Saturday mornings, giving me a solid block of time to work on my illustrations or website. This arrangement has been working really well for us. I also have my mom and MIL in the area and they are usually more than happy to help out!

5. Take Care of Yourself

**Self-Care is Essential:**

Balancing parenting and an art business can be exhausting, so it’s crucial to take care of yourself. Ensure you’re getting enough rest, eating well, hydrating and finding time for activities that recharge you.

**Mental Health:**

Don’t neglect your mental health. Taking breaks and practicing mindfulness can help you stay grounded and focused. Do something you love or a hobby that helps you relax or feel energized. Don’t wait until you have time alone either! When your kids see you filling your cup, they are gaining valuable wisdom about what parenting entails and what self care looks like.

**Personal Tip:**

- I’ve started doing passive breath work every day for 15 minutes. It’s a small practice that helps me clear my mind and a calm my spirit. Getting my kids involved makes the practice deeper and gives me a sense that I am teaching them something truly invaluable.

6. Set Realistic Goals

**Manage Expectations:**

Set realistic goals for both your family and your art. Understand that it’s okay if you can’t do everything perfectly. Some days will be more productive than others, and that’s perfectly fine. Remember the tip about being flexible?

**Celebrate Small Wins:**

Celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. Each step forward is progress, and recognizing this can keep you motivated. Did you do a shop update? Congratulations! Did you send one email? Good for you! Any amount of time spent on your business and growth as an artist is important and you should be able to feel good about that.

**Personal Tip:**

- I keep a journal where I jot down small victories and milestones as well as all my gratitude. Reflecting on these things reminds me of my progress, my blessings and keeps me motivated.

Conclusion: Embrace the Journey

Balancing parenting and art is a journey filled with ups and downs. It requires patience, flexibility, and a lot of love. By prioritizing, planning, involving your kids, seeking help, taking care of yourself, and setting realistic goals, you can create a harmonious balance that allows you to thrive as both a mother and an artist.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. There are many creative moms out there who understand the challenges and joys you face. Embrace the journey, cherish the moments, and keep creating beautiful art that reflects your unique story.

Thank you for reading! If you have any tips or experiences to share, I’d love to hear from you in the comments below.

**Keywords Recap:**

- Balancing parenting and art

- Tips for creative moms

- Managing time as an artist

- Creative work and family life

- Motherhood and creativity


**Connect with Me:**

- Follow me on Instagram for inspiration and behind-the-scenes looks at my projects.

- Sign up for my newsletter to receive exclusive tips and updates.

- Check out my portfolio and contact me for collaborations.


Parenting and Creating Art: Will the twain ever meet?